Friday, March 18, 2011

an afternoon out and about

Hey! Look what we found!!!

Last Sunday we ventured out to explore the area here....and we found a nice walking/jogging/biking trail only about 15 minutes away.  Its called the Great Dismal Swamp Canal Trail, it's an old part of a highway that is no longer used.  It's tree lined and beautiful and has a canal that runs along side of it.   We had lots of fun running around (ok, I wasn't doing a lot of running, but the other 3 were).



yep, there's the belly.  I did try to run to catch up at one point and I'm pretty sure I got laughed at by both Michael and Boden. :)
With about 3/4 of a mile left to go, we got the great idea to let Claire out of the stroller so she could get some exercise too.  She had lots of fun pushing the stroller, watching the dogs pass by, and pointing to all the birds she saw.  It was fun for awhile, but then she refused to have anything to do with the stroller again....and our pace was a  I think we walked 1/2 mile in 45 minutes.
Boden loved chasing Daddy....looking for bears....and finding all kinds of "treasures" along the way.
the closest thing I got to a picture of the kids together


At last....she finally caved in and agreed to let daddy carry her the last tenth of a mile to the car 


Caela said...

Oh, looks like you had a beautiful day to get out and have some fun!! Thanks for sharing the pics. Hope you are all doing well. Love you!

alwaysdreaming said...

So cute! Great pictures, and great memories!

heidi said...

I LOVE this post! You look great Megan!! Love the pictures and can't believe how much the kids are growing. Keep the pics and adventure stories coming!
PS it's so weird to see you guys just hanging out on a highway. I kept accidentally thinking to myself, they'd better be careful of a car coming! Ha!