Thursday, April 19, 2012

Mighty Spirit Kids

As a mom, I love nothing more than hearing my kids worship the Lord - it's such a beautiful thing.  They are so young and unconcerned with what others think about them or if they look silly dancing all over the place and signing at the top of their lungs.  They just love to worship.  We have lots of different music that we listen to in our house - but my favorites are those that are full of scripture.  We all find ourselves singing the word of God and meditating on scripture without even knowing it, and those scriptures become stored in our hearts.  This is what I want for my kids.

Anyone else have a child that watches/listens to everything and will repeat over and over and over a line from a movie, show or song? And usually the most annoying line? haha.  Maybe that's just a 4 yr old boy thing.  They will pick up and repeat whatever they hear - that's why it's such an important job for us as parents to be the filter of what they hear until they are old enough and have learned how to make those choices for themselves. 

This is why I'm SO excited about the new Mighty Spirit Kids worship album!  Our friends, Will and Laura Stern created this album of fun pop songs packed full of scripture for the very purpose of hiding God's word in our children's hearts.  Check our this intro video to preview the songs and hear their heart behind the music.

My kids LOVE this album - the music is really upbeat and it sticks in your head - I have seriously been singing their songs in my head pretty much constantly since we got the cd.  Which is exactly what I want...I want to hear my kids singing and repeating the scriptures and hiding them in their hearts.

I really encourage you to check out to hear previews or order a cd, you can also download it on itunes or - and it's only $10!  Your kids will love it and so will you.

Monday, March 26, 2012

the beach in march

We had a beautiful 85 degree day last week when my parents were visiting and we decided to spontaneously head to the beach for the afternoon. Snacks, toys, and towels packed we headed off.  We decided to try a local beach that's on the bay this time.  I had heard that it's a great place for families - lots smaller waves.  And it was - it was PERFECT.  The kids were able to splash around and play (although we thought the water was freezing, they didn't mind at all!)  and it wasn't so scary since the waves are much smaller and don't knock them over.  I think this will be a regular thing for our family...if I can convince Titus that sand is not a food group.  Here's our day at the beach in photos:

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Middle

Today I had the rare opportunity to spend a few hours alone with my girl.  It doesn't happen often.  I get one on one time with Boden when Claire and Titus nap in the afternoon, and one on one time with Titus because he's the baby and he is pretty much always with me.  But today, Claire had a Dr appt and my parents were visiting, so they stayed home with the boys and we girls headed off...

 - after getting our "earrings" on first, of course.  

She asked when we got in the car "Titus coming? Boden coming?" unusual for her to go somewhere with me alone.  We often make it a point to take time out with Boden - he and Michael go on a special "boys night out" a few times a month, or go to Starbucks and hangout.  It made me realize that I really need to be intentional about spending time with Claire one on one.

I really enjoyed our morning together.  She loved that I was able to carry her a lot - something that doesn't happen much with a baby brother.  

After her appointment, instead of rushing home I decided to capitalize on our girls day out, so we stopped by the cafe in the lobby of the hospital, got a big chocolate chip cookie, and headed outside.  

we found a sweet little fountain across the street 

enjoyed our cookie on the bench

talked excitedly about her newly aquired strawberry shortcake sticker

curiously checked out the fountain

 and watched the city buses with awe.  

I asked her if she was ready to go home and see her brothers and she looked at me and said "no.  i just want to stay right here."  I was a bit surprised - she loves her "buddies", as she lovingly calls them.  She gets excited when Boden gets home from preschool or when Titus wakes up from a nap.  But today, I think she was loving some mama time.  And I was loving it too.

Being the middle child isn't always easy (coming from a middle child myself), sometimes the middle child feels like the older one gets all the privileges and the younger one gets all the attention, and sometimes I feel like Claire missed out a bit on being the baby since Titus came along so quickly after her.  But, today I was reminded that it doesn't matter the birth order or how close in age my kids are, or how many of them there are....I HAVE to be intentional about spending time with each of them...and making that time count.  Today could have gone a lot differently, it didn't start out as a mommy/daughter date.  I could have rushed to and from the appointment, seeing it as an interruption to my day... but instead, I saw an opportunity and I chose to slow down and enjoy it.  I chose to ignore my phone while in the waiting room and instead play with my daughter.   I chose to get on her level and talk about what interests her.  I even chose to eat a chocolate chip cookie when I didn't want to (ok, ok, that one's a lie.  no one twisted my arm there.)

It was a good day.  I'm so thankful for my precious daughter.  She is full of laughter and brings immeasurable joy to our family.  

(And for those of you wondering - her appt went great.  Her hearing is just fine and we decided to hold off on getting a second set of ear tubes for now. )

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Just a random assortment of what we've been up to lately...

Titus is perfecting standing - he loves to pull up on EVERYTHING! The last few weeks he has even tested out letting go a few times...crazy to think we may have a "walker" soon!

 Boden had "Character Day" at school - where you dress up like a character from one of our favorite books and then bring the book to school to share with the class.  He dressed up in his baseball uniform (t-ball t-shirt under his Cardinals jersey- had to wear them both) and took the book "Froggy Plays T-Ball." He had a lot of fun with it - he was so excited that he got to take his glove to school!

Boden is such an artist - he amazes me every single day with the elaborate drawings he comes up with - he will sit and draw for an hour sometimes - I asked him one day what he was doing and he said
 "oh,  I'm just using my imagination" - I love that kid!

this pretty much sums up Claire....sitting on the counter, crazy hair, hollering about something, with a dumped box of crayons...yep, that's pretty accurate.

Titus got ahold of a chocolate chip pancake I left unattended for about 10 seconds - lucky duck...

Boden read his first book! He is having fun learning to read and it is such a joy to see him grown and learn.  I love getting to see the lightbulbs pop on when he figures out a new word or concept.

It's been a pretty mild winter here - we had snow one day for about 20 minutes.  We've had a lot of days to play outside which the kids love and so does mama.

Boden's artwork was featured on the entrance wall at school - I just happened to take him to school one day that week so I got to see it and snap a picture.  He LOVES art!

in addition to standing Titus is constantly exploring the stairs.  I knew the day would come that I would dislike that double's here! He makes a dash for the stairs every time I put him down (as long as the dishwasher is not open.  If the dishwasher is open he prefers to try to crawl in it instead). :)

Tea party with my favorites.  There is no photographic proof...but I was dressed up too! 

So that's a bit of what we've been up to - in between my kids catching every single virus and cold that comes near them. I'm so ready for spring and warmer weather to come!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

They're getting it

Every once in a while I have one of those days where I wonder why in the world I am a stay at home mom?  My kids are driving me crazy.... I'm pretty sure I'm driving them crazy.... and once in a while I have the thought that they would be happier in daycare with a more consistent structure, playing with their friends all day.  I know from talking to other moms that I'm not alone in having this feeling occasionally (or everyday).

It's a big task.  Being a mom is not the most glorious job on the planet, and sometimes I think it's quite possibly the hardest.  And I'm not always confident that I'm any good at it.

Because the kids are fighting....and I'm yelling. Sometimes I feel like I'm the professional time-out enforcer. They're whining...a lot. Claire refuses to use the toilet.  And has no desire to learn her colors (really, she just says everything is pink so we can move on. lol)  I don't always provide the most structured day.  And sometimes they watch more cartoons than they should.... and I begin to wonder if I'm qualified to do this.

 But every once in a while something happens that reminds me that even in the midst of all that....they're getting it.


Today, Boden ran out to the curb as the bus was pulling up and Claire ran after him and they both got there before me.  I grabbed Titus and followed.  I looked up and nearly started crying at what I saw.  Claire had her hand on Boden's head and was praying for him.

I couldn't make out what exactly she said (because I was scrambling for my iphone to capture the moment) but it didn't matter.  What mattered to me is that she's getting it.

And then it no longer mattered she thinks every single color is pink...or that that she has no desire to potty train.  What she does know is that she should pray for her brother.  She has watched me pray over him before he gets on the bus everyday.  She has learned something from me.  And it's way more important than colors or numbers or reading or writing, she'll get to those eventually.

I'm reminded today that I know I'm here for a reason.  God put me here to raise up these little children to know and love the Lord.  To be a reflection of Christ to them everyday.  And I'm so thankful for these reminders that God gives me once in awhile to show me that even though I don't always feel like I'm doing a good job - I am on the right track.  They're getting it.  Thank you Jesus.

Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I want to remember these moments...

 sharing an orange

 and some giggles

with my two year old little girl!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Jesus and English

Happy 2012! We had a great end to our year, lots of visits from family, lots of exciting things happening and church, and lots of fun happening at our house with our 3 crazy kids.  I'll try to recap more of that soon.  I've just been so bad at getting on the computer and writing down my thoughts lately.

To start the new year we bought Boden a composition notebook to journal in.  He loves to write and we talk to him a lot about what he thinks Jesus is speaking to him, so we thought this would be a great way for him to record it, practice his writing, and learn to journal his thoughts.  On New Years Day Michael and Boden sat down on the couch and prayed about the upcoming year.  Then Michael asked Boden what he thought Jesus wanted to do in him this year.  And this is what he came up with:

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

"I think Jesus is going to draw me closer to Him"  How sweet is that? I asked Bo what the picture was and he said "That's me and Jesus, mom." Notice they are holding hands...Love it!

We do still have to help him spell words, but he knows all his letter sounds.  As I'm teaching Boden to read/write I'm realizing again how seriously confusing our English language is! Just today I was trying to explain that sometimes "K" sound is made with a K, sometimes with a C, and sometimes with a CK.  He kept asking why...which led me to wonder how in the world any of us learned all the crazy rules of our language and how am I going to teach the rules to my kids!?