Wednesday, February 11, 2009

new beginnings

For those of you who don't know already, Michael and I are part of the pastoral staff of the new Destiny Church campus in O'Fallon, MO - and we are so excited! We have already grown to more than double our size since launching last month - we had just under 100 adults and children worshiping at the O'Fallon campus on Sunday!

Here are some photos from this past weekend - it was our first time holding the service in the gym and we moved the nursery & preschool into the cafeteria. We are meeting at an elementary school, so everything has to be set up before service, then taken down after and stored until the next week - so it requires some creativity in what equipment to use - and some amazing volunteers who show up early and stay late to get everything set up and torn down.

The lovely Laura in our nursery/preschool before the kids arrived

Fast Track - K-5th grade


The worship team

Pastor Mark sharing the message
We are so excited to be part of what God is doing through Destiny Church in O'Fallon! If you live in the O'Fallon/ St Charles County area and are looking for a church, or know someone who is - come visit us! You can find out more and get directions at the Destiny Church website.

1 comment:

kari.jackson said...

wow, we feel you guys on the set-up,tear-down, and creativity aspects :) Our church has been meeting in a local elem. school for the past 2 1/2 yrs since we started! lot of work...trying to be patient while God finds us a place :)