at the beginning of 2009 i started project 365 - an attempt to take at least one photo each day to capture the "everyday moments" instead of just the big holidays and events. One of the designers at weeds and wildflowers designed a "Life 365" kit to help scrap the everyday photos. it's the first digital scrapbooking kit i've purchased and i love it! (i usually use free stuff that i find here). it has templates and all the pieces fit together like a puzzle so you don't have to spend a lot of time scrapbooking and it's easy to keep up to date. they even started a contest to encourage people to keep up to date on their pages - if you are using the project 365 kit and you post your layout from the previous week - you get a free add on that goes with the kit - fun!
since i didn't have a computer for most of january i'm a little behind on my january layouts, but here is my layout from the first week of february:
since i didn't have a computer for most of january i'm a little behind on my january layouts, but here is my layout from the first week of february:

*if you click on the image it will open it in a bigger window so you can read the journaling
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