i'm actually almost completely caught up with my project 365 scrapbook - which is absolutely amazing for me! this morning my lovely husband dropped me off at panera so i could spend a couple hours reading, scrapbooking, and sipping tea while he and boden run some errands together. for a stay at home mom this is just about the best gift i could ask for. (time at home alone is great, but i always feel like i should be cleaning something so its not as relaxing as it should be)
earlier this morning we went to the the little gym with our friends brian & jessica and their little boy, isaac. it was "bring a friend day" so they invited us. it was lots of fun - boden loved it. i wanted to take lots of pictures, but i didn't want to be so focused on photos that i didn't enjoy playing with boden, so i left my camera in the bag. :( the kids sang, played on the little balance beam, hung on the bars, jumped on the blow up bouncy thing, rolled around, played with bubbles, balls, and a bunch of other things. boden ran around like a little wild man. michael even took the morning off from studying so he could join in the fun.
maybe boden will be so worn out that he takes a really long nap and i'll get this past week scrapped and posted (and do the laundry, take a shower, and clean the house of course)....maybe. until then, here's what we did last week:

*click on the image to see itbigger & read the journaling
*layout using Life 365 by Gina Marie Huff - http://www.weedsandwildflowersdesign.com/
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