Molly and John got married in Ft Collins, CO on July 31. We took a nice family vacation to Colorado to celebrate. We rented a cabin up in the mountains for the week, which was absolutely beautiful. There is something so peaceful about the mountains, I just love it.

(we asked Boden what exactly he was doing here with his corn cob and he said he was "shooting the mountains"...interesting)
We had a little rain everyday, but it didn't spoil the outdoor ceremony, and it made for some really beautiful rainbows - and even a double rainbow one day. One time the rainbow went all the way across the sky - I had never seen one like it before where you see the whole curve up and across and all the way back down - usually I just see one side. I tried to get a picture, but my lens wasn't wide enough to capture the whole thing :( Just take my word for it - it was stunning!

(did you know that baby "links" are useful as clothespins too? very handy little toys)

The wedding was a beautiful outdoor ceremony at Horsetooth Resevoir in Ft Collins, CO. It was such a gorgeous location. The morning of the wedding was beautiful, but as afternoon approached, so did the storm...as we drove up to horsetooth a few sprinkles hit the windsheild and some dark clouds loomed. We weren't quite sure how it was going to work out - but it ended up being beautiful - the storm held off until just after the ceremony. As we were leaving the wind really picked up and it rained pretty good on our way to the reception. Thank you Lord!

We spent the evening laughing, talking, and dancing with friends at a beautiful reception under an outdoor pavilion. Boden had a blast on the dance floor with Whitney & Aaron's little girl Dylan - they were so adorable! Michael got some video and he posted it on his facebook - I need to get that from him and post it on here...Boden's got some moves! :)

Congratulations Molly and John! We love you guys so much and pray blessings on your future together!