So this christmas isn't looking the way I thought it would originially - all three of us are terribly sick with a stomach bug since Monday, we've now passed it on to Michael's mom & step dad who were kind enough to help take care of Boden when we couldn't (so sorry about that), and now we're likely going to have to delay our travel plans to Nebraska :( I'm not sure we're up for the drive and I certainly don't want to pass this nasty thing on to anyone else. But, thank God, it's just a stomach bug and nothing serious and we'll all be well again soon.
Here's the christmas letter we sent out this year - if you didn't receive one, you can find out all about what we've been up to in 2008 right here:
Merry Christmas!
We hope you are doing well and enjoying the Christmas season. For us, this Christmas is shaping up to be the most memorable. This past year has been fulfilling, challenging, exciting…basically we have run the gamut. We’ve had many changes this year and we are so thankful for our faithful God who has been along side us the whole way. We encourage you to remember the reason we celebrate this season and how Jesus coming to the earth provided a way for us to have an abundant life that is not in any way dependent on any natural circumstances. We have had an incredible 2008 that included changes and experiences we could have never expected. Here’s an update of what we’ve been up to this past year:
Michael spent the first half of the year very busy and juggling more than he knew he should. He began seminary at Regent University in 2006 and continued taking classes part time through the beginning of 2008. He was also highly involved in volunteer ministry at our church and working at Boeing in the contracts/finance area. These three things, on top of being a husband and father, kept him VERY busy! Early this year we knew there were big changes coming our way. Michael was confident that God was calling him to leave his corporate job and pursue his Master of Divinity degree as a full time student. In the spring were given an apartment offer on campus at Regent in Virginia Beach and we began making plans to pick up and move east in the fall. God had a different plan though. Just days before we had to make our final decision on accepting the apartment in Virginia, Michael was offered a position at our church that would allow him to enter full-time ministry and continuing seminary. So, in August Michael left his job at Boeing, went on staff at Destiny Church, and became a full time seminary student! He is currently serving on the Equipping/Pastoral Care team and is excited about 2009 and what God has in store.
Megan continues to enjoy being a stay at home mom. She stays busy trying to keep up with a toddler! She also continues to do a little accounting on the side (when there is time) and this year Megan has started a small business sewing nursing covers for nursing moms. She also is very active at our church – helping to lead the Mom 2 Mom group, organizing meals and gift baskets for families with new babies, and volunteering in the church nursery. This fall, Megan was sworn in to the Saint Louis Family Court as a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) to help abused and neglected children who are in foster care. She has a heart for hurting children and is excited to have found another way to be a part of the solution. (CASA is a wonderful program that is nationwide - if you want to learn more visit their website- www.nationalcasa.org)
Boden has grown from a baby into a toddler this year and he loves to talk. He’s grown so much and, as any parent would probably say, we are amazed at the things he is learning. He had his first birthday in July and loved getting to eat his birthday cake! He started walking just shortly after his 1st birthday. We had wonderful experiences this year taking him to the park, the playground, the swimming pool, the zoo, and to playgroup (Michael did not go to the playgroups J). He is a bright little boy who is picking up on new things every single day. He’s learned some sign language and is also beginning to talk – a lot! He’s a very independent and driven little boy; strong willed child, yes! Right now those things can make life challenging for us, but we know that those are great traits for him to have in the future.
This year we moved again! This is our 4th zip code in 4 years! We are working at becoming professional movers J. We’re very thankful for lots of help from our family and friends. We found a great apartment that is much closer to church/work so we can spend more time together and less time commuting.
This year also brought a good amount of travel – in March and October we traveled to Virginia Beach, VA for Michael to attend week-long classes at Regent. He will have to do this 3-4 times a year for the next 2 years as part of his degree program. Boden and Megan don’t mind tagging along – especially when the weather is nice! In October we got to enjoy some beautiful weather at the beach. Boden loved playing in the sand with his shovel & bucket. He also had a little fun splashing in the (very cold) waves with daddy. In December, we took a trip to Lake Tahoe with Michael’s Dad. The mountains & lake were beautiful. When we arrived there was hardly any snow, but a few days into the trip a big storm came through and Megan & Michael were able to do a little skiing.
We’re excited for a new year and new adventures! We’re so thankful for the blessings we have received and for all of our family & friends. We pray that you will be blessed in the new year!
Michael, Megan & Boden Brueseke