it's been a long week here at the brueseke household. michael's been incredibly busy finishing up the summer semester with a big final last weekend and a research paper due today, and this was his last full week of work at boeing.
now that we've moved, we joined our local gold's gym. we've always thought of ourselves as pretty athletic people who are in decent shape...well, apparently we've been lying to ourselves! we started going to the b
ody pump classes and oh my goodness! i used to do these classes in college, and i remember them being a really good workout, but i don't remember it being anything like this. i'm guessing this is because back then i actually
was in decent shape. after the first class just laying on the couch was pretty painful and walking up the steps to our apartment was near impossible.
also this past week my little baby has official entered "toddlerhood". i need to order a copy of
the strong willed child and read it asap. we've been having little meltdowns whenever he can't do what he wants, whether it's because we told him 'no' or because he physically can't do it. the other day i was putting away the groceries and there was a watermelon sitting on the floor. boden was trying to pick it up, but it was too heavy for him. he had a complete meltdown, tears and all, and even hit the watermelon a couple times. his appetite has also suddenly skyrocketed - he learned the
"more" sign right around his first birthday and isn't afraid to use it! most days i think he eats more than i do. although it has become challenging to figure out
what he will eat. one day he loves butternut squash, the next day it gets spit out and thrown on the floor. one day he refuses cantaloupe, and the next day he inhales it and begs for more. ahhh, the joys of having toddlers i suppose. for all of you who have traveled this road before me, feel free to share your wisdom...i could use it!
and finally the thing that has been (sadly) frustrating me most...the charger to my laptop has bit the dust :( lately, i've had to fiddle with it a bit to get it to recognize that it is in fact plugged in, but halfway through this week it finally just quit. my laptop battery has been completely dead for a few days now and i've come to realize how much i depend on my computer/internet for everything - recipe ideas, mothering advice, news, communication with friends & family, etc., etc. i haven't been able to upload any new photos or work on scrapbooking either. hopefully the new charger will be in soon, and hopefully that will do the trick. until then, i guess i'll continue to sneak a few moments here or there on michael's work computer when it's available.