i used the most adorable train cupcake mold that i found online to make his cake. it took nearly 2 hours to decorate (which ended up being a fun time hanging out with my mom who helped)- but it turned out so cute! boden got to eat the engine. while at the time the green frosting was cute - i'm not sure i'd serve it to someone who planned to use their hands to eat it and then smear it all over their face again. it was a little hard to wash off. i was afraid he'd be green for days. :)
we also got a great photo of the grandparents and great grandma oldham with boden:

it's so amazing to me that a year has already passed. though there were moments that i felt like time was standing still (nursing troubles, sleepless nights, endless dirty diapers, and of course 15 hrs of labor that felt like 3 days) it still feels like it went so fast. he's so 'grown up' now. i am so thankful for him every day - he is a blessing beyond words.